Monday, September 2, 2013

Four Years

August 18 marked four years that I have now been paralyzed.  I've been wanting to write a blog but to be honest, I really don't know what to write.  What am I supposed to say?  Some people celebrate this day like it's their second birthday.  The day they got their second chance.  The day they did not die.  How uplifting.  Call me pessimistic and no offense to those who might feel that way, but I think it's pretty stupid.  What about the other 364 days I didn't die. 

Yay!  Let's go back to August 18, 2009.  I can't walk.  I cannot breathe on my own.  I don't know if I'm going to live or die.  I'm so drugged up I really don't understand the severity of what's taking place.  Whenever I do come around I have family and friends looking down at me.  Why am I in the hospital?  I was just in the ocean.  I remember hurting myself and not being able to move but that's OK, it's probably just a stinger or something and I will be OK in a little bit.  They probably just took me to the hospital to make sure everything is cool..  I will be moving in a little while.  I just need a rest.  But if that's the case, why are these tubes down my throat?  Why can't I talk?  Why can't I feel anything below my chest?  Why does my neck hurt?  I don't understand the need for the IV because again, I really shouldn't be here too much longer.  But wait.  Why is my cousin, who lives in California, here?  That's really nice of him but I don't get it.  Too many questions going back and forth in my mind.  Feeling pretty tired.  It's a nap time.  Things will probably be better when I wake up.  Bring on more drugs!

If I only knew then what I know now!  This marks the worst day of my life.  The day that probably I, in all likelihood, walked for the last time.  The last time I did a lot of things for the last time.  Of course some positive things came out of it which I'm thankful for, but come on.  If you're reading this and feel like I'm unappreciative or being negative, put yourself in my position.  Think about everything that you love to do.  Think about everything that you hate to do for that matter.  I miss those things.  There's no doubt that there are people in much worse situations than myself, and my heart goes out to them, but this is my blog so I'm speaking on my experiences.

I would do absolutely anything to not be disabled any longer.  Anything.  This does not mean I do not want Melissa and Brock in my life.  That's one thing that I would keep the same.  Other than that, I'd give my right arm.  Literally.  It's not like I use it now anyway!

For those of you who might not fully understand what this life entails and what it's been like, let me share some things.

  • I have not walked in over 4 years, 48 months, 208 weeks, 1,460 days, 35,040 hours, 2,102,400 minutes or 126,144,000 seconds.  Not that I'm counting.
  • I receive my first helicopter ride.  Unfortunately it was because I was airlifted.  Not really that much fun.  $13,500.  Thank god for insurance.
  • I've almost died twice, not including the original injury.
  • If you add the time I've spent in a rehabilitation facility and the many hospitals, it's been months and months and months.  I cannot even put a number on it.
  • I had the original surgery to place the hardware in my neck, baclofen pump was installed, I had a cyst in the back of my neck that needed removed, a trach put in place and eventually removed, bladder stones that needed broken up, not to mention a ridiculous amount of bronchoscopies to go into my lungs and remove mucus due to pneumonia.  Oh yeah, I've had that so many times I've lost track.
  • Let's talk about one of the worst things.  Since my accident I've not been able to go to the bathroom by myself.  I'm supposed to drink lots of fluid and be cathed every 4 hours, which I don't always adhere to, but it's still a lot.  Men, think about having a straw shoved into your penis six or seven times a day.  Take that times a few years and I don't even want to think about the total number of times.  Let's just say, it's inconvenient and it sucks!  That's a pretty big understatement.
  • I wake up around 7:30 AM every day.  Weekends included.  There have only been a handful of days in over four years that I've stayed in bed all day, excluding the hospital visits.  Also the nurse turns me on my side around 4:30 AM every morning and sometimes I have trouble going back to sleep, so I will literally lay there wide awake until around 7:15 AM.  Really.  I just lie there.  I do not want to wake up Melissa just because I cannot go to sleep.  I cannot get up to go watch TV in the living room, jump on my computer so hopefully I get tired and can salvage a few more hours of sleep, grab something to eat or drink.  It's just me and my thoughts for 3 hours.  Sometimes it's nice but most of the time it's torture.
  •  I generally weighed anywhere between 180 and 190 lbs before my accident.  At one point I fell to 134 lbs.  It was disgusting.  At first I could not physically eat so I had a feeding tube, and then I had no appetite and once I finally started eating it took me a while to put some weight on.
  • I have had hundreds and hundreds of nurses and doctors.  Really only a select few seem to really care about my situation, be my advocate and fight for me.  The rest always seemed too busy or disinterested.  I got to experience firsthand the incredibly dysfunctional Health Care System we have in this country.  Also, I wish I would have a dollar for every one that has seen me naked since the accident.  I would be rich!  Honestly, I really don't even care anymore who sees me.  I've been desensitized when it comes to that and that's a little scary.  You might like your privacy but you can kiss that goodbye relatively quickly in situations like these!
  • The same issues can be said for the CNAs, LPNs and RNs that have come through my doors.  I've personally known many competent people in my life that hold one of these titles so this does not pertain to them.  It's really a shame the quality of people that Home Health agencies are hiring.  I've been lucky enough to find a few extremely amazing people but besides that, most people they send my way are train wrecks.  It seems like the more important letters that fall behind their name, the worse they are!  Again, this is not true for everyone.  Just most of the people I've dealt with.
  • Although I've not been the most dedicated to my physical and occupational therapy at times, I do absolutely love it and I feel like I've turned over a new leaf.  I'm able to flex and contract muscles in my arms that I've never been able to.  My last trip to Kennedy Krieger in June, they were able to detect my triceps firing.  This is huge!  Especially due to my level of injury.  Everything has only getting stronger since that time.  I attribute this to religiously riding my RT300 bike every day I possibly can.  That bike cost over $20,000 and was not covered by my insurance at the time.  That's why my fundraisers are so important and I'm so grateful for everything that you've done for myself and my family!  It's truly a blessing.  Since I've had my bike, I've logged almost 800 hours of use.  Whenever I do my legs I average 7.44 miles for one hour.  So far I've gone 3,843 miles!  When doing my arms I average 6.96 miles for an hour and so far I've gone 1,374 miles.  Collectively that's 5,217 miles.  I'm pretty proud of that although really it should be higher.  There just aren't enough hours in the day.
I've done quite a bit of complaining and the sad part is, I didn't really cover everything.  I figured I would end on a positive note with my last bullet point!  :-) I didn't write this for your sympathy.  I hate it when people say they feel bad for me or if I get anything in life that I normally wouldn't just because of my disability.  That's the biggest insult you could possibly give.  I guess I just wanted to open your eyes to some of the things us quadriplegics and all those with disabilities alike have to deal with on a daily basis.  Not only that, it also comes back to the anniversary of the accident.  You have to be out of your mind to celebrate something like this.  I know, to each their own.  I guess I just don't get it.  For anyone who may have found this harsh, that's fine, but if you're not paralyzed then you'll never know what is truly like.  I feel like it's my job to make people more aware of what myself and my fellow spinal cord injury peeps have to get through every day, week, month and year.  Who knows, it could also be a lifetime.  Or, maybe one day there will be a cure.  That will be the day I celebrate!  You can count on that!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Basket Bingo

Thank you so much to everyone for making today a success!  In particular, Tasha for organizing and getting Aaron's Journey involved, my mother and Aunt Den for selling raffle tickets, Angie and my wife Melissa helping with cleanup and last but not least, all of you who came to support the cause!  I appreciate it so very much!  Like I said before, you/this type of event is why I'm able to do what I do.  Thanks again and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves!

Hope you all have a great start of the week tomorrow!  Keep checking back!

Friday, August 16, 2013

I promised a blog...

Unfortunately it's going to be a really short one.  Actually, not unfortunately because it's all for good reasons!  Tonight we're having dinner at the house with my mom.  Melissa is cooking steaks on the grill!  Tomorrow we're going to a Phillies game.  They are playing the Dodgers, who have turned things around since the All-Star break and are doing amazing, so hopefully it's a good game but you never know with the Phillies.  Sunday there is a basket bingo fundraiser going on and I did not know when I will be home.  Hopefully I can write something Sunday late afternoon or evening.  After all, that is my special day, if you want to call it that.  Like Melissa, I don't know what to call it!

Thanks for following and talk to you soon!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Some Truths

I really enjoy writing and I love being honest, sometimes to a fault, but I have to admit - I have not utilized my blogs like I really intended. I always think I'm going to offend someone.  Maybe I will say something someone doesn't appreciate.  I'm sorry but that has to change.  I have to be honest with myself and anyone who might enjoy reading what I have to say.  Otherwise it's just a sham.  Let's try it out...

August 18 will mark four years since my accident.  This time of year is the hardest for me.  Everyone has to know that.  As much as I try to not allow my disability have any more control over my life than it already does, it happens.  It's really hard to keep from happening.  Indescribably hard.

Obviously it has physically crippled me.  What some people don't understand is, it can do the same to me mentally.  In a bad way.  I hate it.  At the very least the one thing I should have going is a strong mind.  Right?  Most of the time I have that.  Then there are those days.  Sometimes those days turn into a week.  Since I don't have a better explanation, the only way I can convey how it feels is mental torture.   I'm trapped inside this body that refuses to move.  I'm just a puppet more or less.  My arms and legs might as well be on strings.  I'm fed, dressed, sat up in bed and put into my chair to go through my mundane routine.  I know life is better than that but that's what those days can feel like.

I try so hard to wear that smile everyone would like to see.  I feel fake sometimes.  If everyone could live this life to feel what it's like then maybe they would understand, but at the same time thank god they do not have to.  As far as spinal cord injuries go, mine is pretty serious and at a high level but heaven knows it could be so much worse.  I've been worse.  I've heard about worse situations.  I've seen those worse off.  I know as far as this life goes, I'm pretty lucky.  For as much as I've lost because of my disability, I've gained just as much.

I'm obsessed with music and this song just happens to describe what I'm feeling perfectly.  Maybe this will do some of the talking for me.

There's a lot I want to say, especially because of my gimpiversary looming in the next few days, and I will.  For now, that'll do.  There will be another blog tomorrow.  After all...

This is just the start.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Wish I Would Have Looked at This the Morning of August 18, 2009!

Maybe just a little something for everyone to think about...

Don’t jump into the unknown. Consider the dangers before you take the plunge:
  • Check for hazards in the water. Rocks or other objects may be submerged and difficult to see.
  • Check the depth of the water. Remember tides can rise and fall very quickly. The difference in water depth between the peaks and troughs of waves can be many metres.
  • As a rule of thumb, a jump of ten metres requires a depth of at least five metres.
  • Never jump whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Check for access. It may be impossible or very difficult to get out of the water.
  • Consider the risks to yourself and others. Conditions can change rapidly. Even if you are jumping safely, children may be watching and copy your actions.  
Think before you jump. Don't let alcohol, drugs or peer pressure affect your judgement. If you jump when you feel unsafe or pressured, you probably won’t enjoy the experience.
Be safe out there!

Saturday, July 6, 2013


To all of my amazing and loyal followers, I'm writing you this blog cringing.  I hate to beg but eventually I feel like that it's what this might turn into, and I'm sorry!

The money that has been donated over almost the past four years has been amazing.  I've been able to purchase multiple pieces of equipment that I've benefited from greatly.  My FES RTI 300 was over $20,000.  My stander was $12,500 I believe.  Those are obviously the most expensive and important pieces.  I've been able to go to Kennedy Krieger and actually stay in Baltimore, rather than commute from Harrisburg to Baltimore every single morning and evening, but at a cost.  This past time it was over $2500 if I'm not mistaken.  On a smaller scale, I just ordered some tape so that I'm able to tape up my shoulders like my therapists from Kennedy would like me to.  That's $30.00.  I also ordered a drinking apparatus that I will be able to connect to my wheelchair so I will not have to constantly bother someone and ask for a drink.  Really excited for that!  After that was said and done I think that was $74.99.  This is all just done recently and I'm sure I'm missing some things.

Not to mention my handicap van.  Gas, inspections, repairs and so on.  I would love to be able to contribute and take care of these things myself but it is not feasible as I'm getting income once a month.  Unfortunately that's from the government and its disability so we're not talking a lot of money.  Hardly enough to pay my bills.

Monies are also used to cover any medical expenses in which my insurance does not.  This can be quite expensive as you may imagine or unfortunately even know firsthand.

Believe me, I would much rather go to work and never ask for a penny from anyone but at this point of my life, that's just not possible.  My main focus needs to remain on my occupational and physical therapy.  I need to keep pushing said that maybe one day when stem cells are approved, I'm physically healthy and in some kind of shape to be a good candidate.  At the very least, I need to keep doing my therapy so something clicks and I'm able to move my arms in the very very near future!  I wish!  We shall see.

OK, the not so fun part.  We have not had any big fundraisers in a long time and my fund is dwindling.  If you would be interested in giving a donation of any denomination, I would be so grateful and so would my family.  When these donations are made I do not see firsthand, just so everyone knows.  There are two options.  You may donate through Paypal or sending a check directly to the attorney who handles my fund.  Here is the information:

Aaron's Journey
P. O. Box 267
Elizabethtown, PA 17057

Here is also a link from my original web site which I'm having trouble accessing...

Thank you so much to everyone for everything you've done for me over the years and will continue doing going forward!  I cannot express my gratitude.  I can just say it means the world to me and has helped my family so much.  Thank you thank you thank you!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Quick Post

Just saw these two articles popup and I thought I would share it with my SCI friends out there!

Check it out!  Who knows what may happen for us in the future.  I would say these are good reasons to stay positive...

Pay It Forward

It's a wonderful movie.  If you've never seen it, you have to add it to your list!  I say list because Melissa and I have about 100 waiting to be watched.  I guess I assume a lot of people are like that.

This weekend my family and I witnessed the greatest example of paying it forward and complete selflessness from a few friends and people we've never met then we could have ever imagined.  How they orchestrated everything is beyond me, but I'm sure it was not an easy task.

It all started with our friend Tasha asking if we would mind having some people over to help clean up our yard.  She knew about these bushes/trees/shrubs/whatever they were, growing along one of our property lines, and just how much I hated them.  They were an absolute eyesore.  Tasha's husband, Andy, came to look at them and informed us that they were infested with poison ivy.  Obviously the decision was ours but he more or less suggested that we get rid of them.  He didn't have to twist my arm because I've wanted to see these things go since we moved in!  See how much I hate these things?  They've taken over my blog!

Anyway, we were very touched that this group, mostly consisting of members or parents of Raider Extreme, a cheerleading team located right here in Middletown!  They gave our yard a complete makeover!  One that it desperately needed might I add.  What they accomplished in one day blows my mind.  My words cannot do it justice and I know my wife is planning on doing a blog as well, so I will let her include before and after pictures and explain everything that's changed.  She's better with words anyway!

I cannot thank everyone enough, especially Tasha, for everything that they've done for my family.  We appreciate this so very much but myself so in a completely different way because of my injury.  Things that this group accomplished are some that I wish I could have done myself but because of my obvious physical limitations and inability, I can not. I'm just so grateful someone was able to get those things done probably better than I could have even on my best day!  Here is a list of those who helped and hopefully we did not forget anyone.  Thank you a million times over every single one of you!  The work you did is priceless to us and hopefully someday we can pay it forward!

Angie Keefer
Mckenzie Keefer
Amanda Moore
Lani Moore
Kristen Runion
Lily Runion
Chase Runion
Leisyl Yohn
Abby Yohn
All dayers
Jami Hiner
Kyle Hiner
Taylor Hiner
Zach Hiner
Norma Albright
Dan Shank
Olivia Shank
Coach Tammy James and her husband
Ken, family friend

Monday, June 24, 2013

One Year Down!

Happy one year wedding anniversary to my beautiful wife!  I never would have guessed when we started off just as friends that things would have developed the way that they did.  What a lucky man I am.  Not only did I become a husband, I became a step dad as well.  Both can be tough jobs but both are so rewarding!

My situation is a unique one, to say the least, and it takes a very special woman just to spend a significant amount of time with me, let alone marry me.  I will never forget about our first date.  Anybody can say being seen with me in public would not bother or embarrass them but when we finally got that far, it was showtime!  You did not disappoint!  You made it clear you were not ashamed to be seen with me.  The only disappointments I had were that you would not sit in my lap and let me drive you from the vehicle to the restaurant, and vice versa, and that I did not get a goodnight kiss.  Now, I hate to lose.  So much so I cannot accurately put it into words. You said that you hated sitting on people's laps, and a kiss seemed like it was just a matter of time if things continued between us, so I wanted the challenge.  I told you that you would be sitting in my lap within a month.  You pretty much told me I was crazy and it wasn't going to happen.  Man, I love being right!  I don't know how long it took for you to cave but it was less than a month.  You just couldn't turn down a free ride in my amazingly sexy wheelchair.  I don't think the kiss took too long either!  It's my favorite game - it's called I win!

We have had many many pictures taken since that time but the one that our waiter took is an absolute favorite!  It was our first together!

It hasn't exactly been the easiest year of my life and I'm sure that's an gigantic understatement for you.  I've had pneumonia, carbon monoxide poisoning more or less, lots of pain, two surgeries and only god knows what I'm forgetting.  We've shared plenty of smiles.  Had many stupid arguments.  Through everything, you've always been there.  You are my constant.  You are my best friend.  You've become my everything.  I know sometimes that does not seem the case because I can be absolutely miserable.  Sometimes because that's just the way things are but also my disability can get the best of me.  Either way, we see our way through it and things go back to the way they should be!

You are a beautiful, funny, goofy, selfless, family oriented, driven, loving daughter, sister, cousin, niece, mother and wife!  That is undeniable as far as I'm concerned!  I'm so lucky to have witnessed all of these great qualities in you.

(recently taken picture which is actually the first time we ever sat next to each other!)

Melissa, you took someone who just about had enough with love and was about to give up.  I wondered if I would ever find that special someone.  Then, through a string of right things happening at the right time, there you were.  You have helped me grow so much.  I only hope I can continue growing, being that husband and other half that you want out of life, because you're just that for me!  Hopefully we can continue being a power (wheelchair) couple!  :-)

To many more!  I love you!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Kennedy Experience

I'm sad that my two weeks are over already.  It literally seems like we were just packing to head down and here I sit, my first Monday back missing it like I've been gone for months!  I guess that's a good sign.

We stayed at the new condo and were very happy with it.  Previously we had stayed at the same place pretty much every visit but there was nothing available there for the times that we needed.  I was a little skeptical to try anything new, pretty much like I am with everything, but we were not disappointed.

Besides my mom, I had a complete new cast of people helping with my care.  First off, this go around I had a wife!  I was lucky enough to have her with me the first week.  She really enjoyed herself and loved getting to see my therapy.  She also learned how to independently transfer me from my wheelchair, rather than always having to rely on something else.  She did so much to prepare for this trip and get things kicked off to the right start, which she was absolutely 100% successful!  I appreciate everything she sacrificed to make this happen.  Also, my aide, Michelle made her first visit to Baltimore with us.  She stayed the entire two weeks and worked so hard for us.  Pretty much around the clock whenever we needed her.  She too attended therapy and learned some things that will really help us down the road.  We were very happy to have her and when it comes down to it, she made the entire trip possible.  Lastly but not least, my mom switched with Melissa and was with us the second week.  I was especially excited for our time together since I'm no longer living with her.  We had our usual laughs!  She got to see a few people at Kennedy that she's come to know over the years.  She was such a huge help as well!  Making lunches and dinner every day among many other things.  She's the best!

I also had new therapists.  My occupational therapists was Michelle and physical therapist was Angelina.  Again I was skeptical because I was used to having things one way for so long and I'm such a creature of habit.  Thank God they both more than proved me wrong and exceeded my expectations.  I thoroughly enjoyed their personalities, ideas, plans for me once I got home and everything else they could possibly do to set me up for success!  I really should have known, just from me going for so many years and being surrounded by Kennedy employees, that they never hire anyone that is not more than qualified.  That is in my experience anyway.  Thankfully.  And like I said, I've really got two amazing ladies looking after me now and I surely hope when it's time for me to return, their schedules are open!  Hopefully they want me back as a patient!  :-)  I would be genuinely disappointed if I were to lose them.

I really just wanted to get a blog written to share some of my most recent experiences.  My trip could not have been possible without the amount of crazy dedication and sacrifice made by those who attended.  Thank you to family members for making meals for us to take, and all kinds of junk food too!  Thank you to everyone who contributes to fundraisers or donates money to the fund to make my staying in Baltimore possible.  Not only that, you've helped purchase so many pieces of equipment extremely important for my therapy.  My appreciation really cannot be expressed in words.  It means so much.  I'm surrounded by an amazing cast of people and I feel truly blessed and loved.

Definitely have more to share about the trip but figured this would be just a start.  Thank you so much for everything and for reading!  Check back soon!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Kennedy Krieger - June 7

I know that June 6 was not posted but that's because all of the videos are not the best.  I might go through them again at some point but for now I will just keep moving along.

The above videos are from June 7.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Kennedy Krieger - June 5

Only two videos from Wednesday but possibly the most important one to date.  Melissa learned how to manually or independently transfer me from a wheelchair.  This could be on to our mat to work out, couch, bed and so on.  She did such a great job and I'm so proud of her!  She worked hard.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Kennedy Krieger - June 3

Hello!  I apologize for not having these up sooner.  We've been busy, as you can imagine, and I was having some issues with the videos that we took.  If you click on the link below, it will take you to my YouTube page and you can check out what I just uploaded under the Recent column.  They are only from Monday so I will work on having the rest up tomorrow.  Thank you for following!

Also, please don't forget about the fundraiser at Hoss's this Friday, June 8!  This will be for the entire day at the Hummelstown location only.  Please don't forget that part.  You will also need to give them a printout letting them know you were there to support Aaron's Journey.  If you do not have this, here is a link:

Please let me know if you have any questions!  Thank you so much for your support.  You make what I'm doing possible and I appreciate it so very much!


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

YouTube Page

For anyone following this blog who is not familiar with my YouTube page, I figured I would give it out so you may follow if you would like.  Hope all is well with everyone.  Just a few more days until Kennedy!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Two years, probably more.

I cannot believe that I've not visited Kennedy Krieger for my intensive occupational and physical therapies in over two years.  I love this place so much and it is so very special.  The staff is amazing.  The equipment is cutting edge.  The opportunities and possibilities are endless.  I've made many two week outpatient visits but as of late it seems like life has been making this not so feasible.

I cannot blame everything on the medical things that have prevented me from going because I'm just as responsible.  My motivation has been lacking to say the least.  I want to recover as much as humanly possible but eventually you just hit a wall and give up.  That's not the type of person I want to be but sometimes it's damn near impossible for me to pretend that I care about stimming my arms one more hour.  After all, who knows how many hours I've already logged and here my arms lie.  Motionless.

But these are all negative things that need to be pushed out of my mind.  What is one more hour going to do?  I don't know.  Maybe nothing.  Maybe something.  Really what can it hurt?  If I don't do anything with my arms, what's that going to do?  Well, absolutely nothing.  What does this have to do with Kennedy?  I guess I kind of got lost and went on a tangent.  Anyway, Kennedy gives me this amazing boost of energy and morale.  I know that I need to keep this going beyond the two weeks that I'm there or ultimately those 10 days are pointless.  Continuing the work at home is the most important part of going there and receiving their training, knowledge and experience for the results I'm looking to achieve when I set my goals my first day there.

Also, this trip is going to be different.  My wife and aide will be coming and will learn things to hopefully improve and simplify everyone's life.  I'm very excited for this.  Not just for them to talk with the therapists, have them see what they do and hopefully pick up some things, but actually see the facilities and go through the motions with me.  I cannot wait!  It's going to be very beneficial for every one.

So that's it for now.  The countdown continues.  It will be here soon, just not soon enough!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Hoss's Fundraiser, June 8th at the Hummelstown location only

There will be a fundraiser for Aaron's Journey Friday, June 8, 2013.  It is going to be at the Hoss's location in Hummelstown.  This will be for the entire day.  The only thing you need to do is print a copy of this and present it to your waiter or waitress.

I will not be there as I will be in Baltimore at Kennedy Krieger for my intensive occupational and physical therapy.  This will be for two weeks and the cost for us to stay is over $2500.  A perfect example why these fundraisers are so important and your participation is very much appreciated!

Be sure to check back June 3 through the 14th for pictures and videos of my rehab!

Thank you so much!  I could not do what I do without your help.

Dear Friend of Aaron''s Journey:We are excited to team up with Hoss's Steak and Sea House to raise money for a very worthy cause. Please consider visiting the Hoss's location(s) listed below on 6/8/2013 to aid us in raising money to benefit Aaron''s Journey.

Print this email and present it on 6/8/2013 at Hoss's in Hummelstown
Hoss's will then donate 20%* or 25%** of your total check paid to Aaron''s Journey

*To qualify for the 20% payout, our group must have a minimum of $300.00 in total pre-tax food and beverage sales.
**To qualify for the 25% payout, our group must have a minimum of $1,200.00 in total pre-tax food and beverage sales.
This applies to a one-day, single location, pre-scheduled event. The purchase of gift cards is not included as part of your organization’s community fundraising totals.


Group #20076

Please print and present this email when ordering. See the attached file for the entire Community Night agreement.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Something is Wrong with

Hello everyone!  I'm not sure exactly what is going on with my normal blog but I cannot access it here at home.  I've wanted to post about so many things going on but have not been able to.  Until we can figure out what the issue is, please follow this blog if you would like!

To catch you up, please check out my wife's blog.  Not only does she always do a great job, this particular one will give you a good idea of some things that have been going on.  I would also encourage you to follow her blog if you do not already!

Thanks a lot!