Sunday, August 18, 2013

Basket Bingo

Thank you so much to everyone for making today a success!  In particular, Tasha for organizing and getting Aaron's Journey involved, my mother and Aunt Den for selling raffle tickets, Angie and my wife Melissa helping with cleanup and last but not least, all of you who came to support the cause!  I appreciate it so very much!  Like I said before, you/this type of event is why I'm able to do what I do.  Thanks again and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves!

Hope you all have a great start of the week tomorrow!  Keep checking back!

Friday, August 16, 2013

I promised a blog...

Unfortunately it's going to be a really short one.  Actually, not unfortunately because it's all for good reasons!  Tonight we're having dinner at the house with my mom.  Melissa is cooking steaks on the grill!  Tomorrow we're going to a Phillies game.  They are playing the Dodgers, who have turned things around since the All-Star break and are doing amazing, so hopefully it's a good game but you never know with the Phillies.  Sunday there is a basket bingo fundraiser going on and I did not know when I will be home.  Hopefully I can write something Sunday late afternoon or evening.  After all, that is my special day, if you want to call it that.  Like Melissa, I don't know what to call it!

Thanks for following and talk to you soon!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Some Truths

I really enjoy writing and I love being honest, sometimes to a fault, but I have to admit - I have not utilized my blogs like I really intended. I always think I'm going to offend someone.  Maybe I will say something someone doesn't appreciate.  I'm sorry but that has to change.  I have to be honest with myself and anyone who might enjoy reading what I have to say.  Otherwise it's just a sham.  Let's try it out...

August 18 will mark four years since my accident.  This time of year is the hardest for me.  Everyone has to know that.  As much as I try to not allow my disability have any more control over my life than it already does, it happens.  It's really hard to keep from happening.  Indescribably hard.

Obviously it has physically crippled me.  What some people don't understand is, it can do the same to me mentally.  In a bad way.  I hate it.  At the very least the one thing I should have going is a strong mind.  Right?  Most of the time I have that.  Then there are those days.  Sometimes those days turn into a week.  Since I don't have a better explanation, the only way I can convey how it feels is mental torture.   I'm trapped inside this body that refuses to move.  I'm just a puppet more or less.  My arms and legs might as well be on strings.  I'm fed, dressed, sat up in bed and put into my chair to go through my mundane routine.  I know life is better than that but that's what those days can feel like.

I try so hard to wear that smile everyone would like to see.  I feel fake sometimes.  If everyone could live this life to feel what it's like then maybe they would understand, but at the same time thank god they do not have to.  As far as spinal cord injuries go, mine is pretty serious and at a high level but heaven knows it could be so much worse.  I've been worse.  I've heard about worse situations.  I've seen those worse off.  I know as far as this life goes, I'm pretty lucky.  For as much as I've lost because of my disability, I've gained just as much.

I'm obsessed with music and this song just happens to describe what I'm feeling perfectly.  Maybe this will do some of the talking for me.

There's a lot I want to say, especially because of my gimpiversary looming in the next few days, and I will.  For now, that'll do.  There will be another blog tomorrow.  After all...

This is just the start.